Double Chocolate 'Millie's Cookies Style' Cookies


This morning I baked these cookies and now there are only 2 leftover… so I think that means they were a success! Double chocolate cookies are so good - the more chocolate the better. Especially when the cookies are chewy and soft and crisp on the outside.

I halved the recipe to make 10 so I wouldn’t feel too guilty if they got eaten quickly (although now I wish I made more). So here’s the recipe below, which I advise you don’t halve ;)


125g butter, melted//100g light brown soft sugar//125g caster sugar//1 egg//1 tsp vanilla extract//175g self-raising flour//50g cocoa powder//½ tsp salt//200g chocolate

Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.
  1. Put the melted butter in a bowl (to melt it I microwave my butter in the bowl) and stir together with the brown sugar and caster sugar

  2. Combine with the egg and vanilla extract

  3. Add the flour, cocoa powder and salt and mix it all together until it becomes doughy

  4. Chop up the chocolate (I use Dairy Milk) and mix it in to the cookie dough

Divide the cookie dough in to 20 evenly sized pieces and place on to trays lined with baking paper. Place the trays in the oven for 7-8 minutes. The cookies may not look cooked but they will stiffen as they cool. You don’t want to overcook them if you like them chewy inside. Leave them to cool on a wire rack, and enjoy!


Want more chewy cookies like this? Try these simple chocolate chip cookies, lovely fresh mint chocolate cookies, or these amazing chocolate toffee waffle cookies!

S. xo